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Enterprise and Supplier Development – Zaviar Trading

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Zaviar Trading is based in Durban, and the business makes fashionable pieces of clothing. The business was one of many that received assistance from the Hollywood Foundation’s R250 000 pledge to the Durban Fashion Fair’s Rising Stars.

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Zama Sylvia Gumede, a representative from Zaviar Trading, stated that the business was struggling before they received equipment. On 21 July 2022, the Hollywood Foundation Team travelled to Zaviar Trading to hand over their share of equipment, which consisted of sewing machines and fabric. Zama said that the items will enable the business to produce more clothes and make the production faster than it was before.

“I hope to employ more workers and have more people that I can assist. I am grateful for the opportunity and assistance that the Hollywood Foundation gave me.”
Zama Sylvia Gumede
Representative from Zaviar Trading

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