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#HandsOfHope helps out GOLDCO during flood relief.

hollywoodfoundation-Img 6397#HandsOfHope helps out GOLDCO during flood relief.#HandsOfHope

GOLDCO is an organisation that is based in Bhambayi, and it does exactly what its slogan stands for: unifying the community. The organisation implements many programmes and activities to uplift people from within the community, and it offers chess classes, after-school programmes, the planting of vegetable gardens and classes to improve computer literacy skills.

The community of Bhambayi felt the brunt of the recent heavy rain and floods in KwaZulu-Natal. The weather conditions had a detrimental impact on many lives and livelihoods, as homes were washed away and roads were damaged. Using the #HandsOfHope campaign, the Hollywood Foundation Team from KwaZulu-Natal was proud to contribute blankets and food parcels to GOLDCO this month, to assist the victims of the floods from Bhambayi. Blessing Nyoni, the Founder of GOLDCO, welcomed the much-needed contribution with open arms, and added, “Many people will now be warm and comfortable since many of them lost their belongings. It will also provide stress relief, as many people did not know where their next meal will be coming from.”

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