Nolilly Catering (PTY) LTD is an SMME that is located in Phuthaditjhaba, Free State. This company was informally established in 2015 and it was formally registered on 28 September 2018. It now includes added features of a fast-food and general tuckshop. The company aims to offer high quality and affordable catering services to community members and offer high quality and affordable on-the-go meals to hungry customers.
The Hollywoodbets Team came across this organisation through area analysis and while conducting branding in the area. The Purple Team was thrilled to contribute a fridge, a table and umbrellas, in an effort to assist with the daily functioning of the company. Tshepiso Thembi Kele, the owner, added that customers will also be afforded the opportunity to buy items from her business and enjoy them outside.
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