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Boitshepo Day Care receives Corporate Social Investment (CSI) from Hollywood Foundation

hollywoodfoundation-2. Representatives From Hollywood Foundation And Boitshepo Day Care With The ContributionBoitshepo Day Care receives Corporate Social Investment (CSI) from Hollywood FoundationHollywoodbets iBranch MASTER

Creches, day cares, schools and universities are important institutions in our country that prioritise the welfare of children and the youth. Education is a key focus for the CSI Team at the Hollywood Foundation, and many of their projects are firmly aligned to the upliftment of learners.

The iBranch Team in Mpumalanga was proud to lend a helping hand to Boitshepo Day Care, which has been in existence since 1997. The founders of the organisation understood the need for the creation of a day care, following the prevalence of abuse within the community. The organisation was under tremendous pressure to care for the growing number of children that depend on care and support from staff members. On 3 November 2022, the Team was proud to contribute many educational toys and equipment for the children to use, such as chairs, tables, beds and toys. This CSI handover was very near and dear to the Purple Team, as it gave them a sense of joy to know that they touched the lives of children who are in need.

Suzan Mashego, a representative from Boitshepo Day Care, extended her heartfelt gratitude to the Hollywood Foundation for the contribution, and said that this will have a profound impact on many children in the future.

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