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The Hollywood Foundation’s Corporate Social Initiatives (CSI) Initiatives bring hope to the people of Soweto

hollywoodfoundation-Image 1The Hollywood Foundation’s Corporate Social Initiatives (CSI) Initiatives bring hope to the people of SowetoCorporate Social Investment Programme

The Hollywood Foundation rooted in a steadfast commitment to social responsibility through their CSI initiatives, exemplify a holistic approach to community welfare. Part of the initiatives supported by the Hollywood Foundation are aimed at providing essential healthcare assistance and compassionate support to vulnerable individuals, including those served by Footprints Hospice.

Opened in1986, the Footprints Hospice was established to provide healthcare and assistance. The hospice offers care to people in need such as individuals suffering from HIV/AIDS and cancer who are in an acute or terminal stage. The Hospice aims to make a positive impact in the community of Orlando East, Soweto.

One of the focus areas of the Hollywood Foundation’s CSI programme efforts is healthcare. Many people in underprivileged and undeveloped communities do not have access to healthcare and rely on organisations like Footprint Hospice.  On 06 March 2024, the Hollywood Foundation and the Gauteng branch Team generously contributed vital resources such as medical beds and adult disposable diapers to the Footprints Hospice. These seemingly simple yet indispensable items play a transformative role in enhancing the quality of life for recipients, offering comfort, dignity, and a sense of security to individuals who do not have the privilege of personalised care. Hazel Mabusela, Centre Manager of Footprints Hospice graciously stated, “These items will genuinely assist the Hospice, alleviating the financial strain we face when purchasing these items, and the welfare of our patients will be upheld.”

The Hollywood Foundation’s CSI initiatives extends far beyond the realm of material aid, it represents a beacon of hope and humanity in a world too often plagued by adversity and indifference. By providing support to community-based organisations the Hollywood Foundation aims to forge bonds of solidarity and resilience within communities, enriching the lives of both recipients and beneficiaries alike. Through their unwavering dedication and unwavering compassion, The Hollywood Foundation sets a shining example of what it means to uplift and empower the most vulnerable among us.

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