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The Hollywood Foundation contributes to rebuilding a community in need through their Corporate Social Investment (CSI) Initiative

hollywoodfoundation-Whatsapp Image 2023 10 11 At 12.09.18The Hollywood Foundation contributes to rebuilding a community in need through their Corporate Social Investment (CSI) InitiativeCorporate Social Investment Programme

The Hollywood Foundation, with its unwavering commitment to empowering and uplifting communities, embarked on a remarkable journey to Newcastle on 30 September 2023, where they joined hands with Jeddack Riders MCC. This extraordinary organisation, formed by individuals with a passion for bike riding and hearts of gold, shares a common passion with the Hollywood Foundation for caring for the community. Established in 2014, Jeddack Riders MCC is dedicated to charitable work and community care, with a focus on the most vulnerable members of society.

The Hollywood Foundation’s CSI initiatives are at the core of their mission. These programmes reflect on their dedication to creating a positive impact on the lives of those in need. Jeddack Riders MCC has been doing commendable work in their community by providing a wide range of services aimed at orphaned and vulnerable children, school-going kids, young adults, and the elderly. Their reach extends to organisations like Buyelekhaya Old Age Home and two households in Madadeni.

hollywoodfoundation-Whatsapp Image 2023 10 11 At 12.11.25The Hollywood Foundation contributes to rebuilding a community in need through their Corporate Social Investment (CSI) InitiativeCorporate Social Investment Programme

The Hollywood Foundation’s visit was marked by a heart-warming moment as they handed over a generous contribution of building supplies and equipment to support the refurbishment of the Buyelekhaya Old Age Home. Through their CSI programme, the Hollywood Foundation aims to help Jeddack Riders MCC continue their invaluable services to the community.

Sifiso Masondo, the Director at Jeddack Riders, expressed profound gratitude for the Hollywood Foundation’s contribution. He stated, “We are very grateful to the Hollywood Foundation for this contribution. We will use the supplies and equipment to upgrade the identified beneficiaries which consist of an old age home and two households in need.”

This partnership between the Hollywood Foundation and Jeddack Riders MCC exemplifies the strength of unity and the impact that corporate social responsibility can have on our communities. Together, they are building a stronger, more compassionate future for the people of Newcastle. The Hollywood Foundation’s CSI initiative continues to be a beacon of hope for those in need, reaffirming their commitment to making the world a better place, one community at a time.

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