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#HopeIsPower – R100 000 SANTACO Pledge

hollywoodfoundation-2021.07.19 LinkedIn HopeIsPower Pledge Organisations Santaco#HopeIsPower – R100 000 SANTACO Pledge2021/22 Handovers

Hollywoodbets has pledged R100 000 toward SANTACO's effort to rebuild communities following the unrest that rocked parts of KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng.

As people around KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng begin to rebuild their businesses and lives after last week’s events which left the country shaken, the relationship between the South African National Taxi Council (SANTACO) and Hollywoodbets continues to go from strength to strength.

In a show of solidarity and appreciation for their efforts to calm the unrest, protect property and lives, Hollywoodbets will be donating R100 000 to Santaco’s efforts to help rebuild communities.

The donation forms part of Hollywoodbets’ #HopeIsPower pledge of R3 million to aid communities and businesses that have been devastated by last week’s civil unrest.

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