Sports Development
Back to school

Back to school donations for Jacob Marwale Primary.

hollywoodfoundation-Img 20220216 Wa0041Back to school donations for Jacob Marwale Primary.2021/22 Handovers

One benefit of the Hollywood Foundation’s Back to School campaign is giving the community a chance to select a school that they believe could benefit from the life-changing initiative. Potego Phakwago, a member of the community in the Limpopo region, nominated Jacob Marwale Primary to receive support from the campaign. The Team from Polokwane stepped up to assist the school on 16 February 2022 and was proud to make a much-needed difference to many learners.

The school was established in 1976, and it also offers its learners sporting and cultural activities. The school was excited to hear that it will be receiving assistance, and teachers and learners felt blessed to be given the support. YK Nokaneng, the Principal for Jacob Marwale Primary, explained that learners at the school did not own essential stationery supplies, such as calculators, which began to impact their performance in their studies. The Team was proud to make the school’s wish come true, through the contribution of essential school supplies.

The Principal thanked the Hollywood Foundation for the Back to School campaign and added that it will bring value to the school in terms of attendance and the ability to reduce absenteeism in the future.

#BacktoSchool #Community #HWF #BacktoSkolo #OurFuture

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