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Corporate Social Investment (CSI) initiative for Athlone School for the Blind

hollywoodfoundation-1.representatives From Athlone School For The Blind And Hollywood FoundationCorporate Social Investment (CSI) initiative for Athlone School for the BlindCorporate Social Investment Programme

People who are visually impaired are required to overcome many challenges, including navigating their way through daily activities. They also face many social restrictions, something that we all had to face during the COVID-19 pandemic for a short period of time. To mark World Blindness Awareness Month this October, the Hollywood Foundation was honoured to partner with Blind Cricket SA to support Athlone School for the Blind in the Western Cape, as part of a CSI project.

Athlone School for the Blind opened its doors in 1927, and it serves as an educational institution for partially-sighted and blind learners. The school has many goals for the future, including developing every learner to their fullest potential, irrespective of their barriers and diverse backgrounds. Before Blind Cricket SA and the CSI Team at the Hollywood Foundation stepped in to assist this school, staff were experiencing a shortage of assistive devices to afford all learners access to the curriculum. On 15 October 2022, representatives from both organisations paid a visit to the school, to contribute two Braille equipment for the learners to use. By doing this, the goal is to assist the learners and ease their learning during classroom activities.

“This will assist us in providing devices for our learners and alleviate the financial burden of the school.”
Representative from Athlone School for the Blind

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