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Postgraduate Bursaries – 2018/2019

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Betting Entertainment Technologies (B.E.T.) chose to support various DUT and MUT students as part of their annual Corporate Social Responsibility Programme for 2018/2019. Read on to learn more about the team’s donation.

Postgraduate Bursaries
Betting Entertainment Technologies (B.E.T.)
B.E.T. chose to invest in the future of software development by sponsoring bursaries to nine deserving DUT and MUT students who are embarking on their BTech in 2019.
By doing this B.E.T. are addressing a desperate need within the area of postgraduate tertiary education, because it’s often difficult for students who have been granted bursaries for their undergrad studies to obtain funding and continue their education to BTech level.
B.E.T. approached both DUT and MUT to find talented young developers who would be fantastic BTech candidates but required funding.
Courtesy of this financial support from B.E.T. KZN-based students Qophelo Zungu, Nombuso Khuzwayo, Nokulunga Dlamini, Vusi Hlatshwayo, Wonder Mkhize, Nkazimulo Siyaya and Lungisani Mbhele will be furthering their education this year!
The student’s lecturers attended the handover ceremony in celebration of their students’ achievements. Dr Vikash Jugoo (HOD of ICT at MUT), Joyous Miya (Lecturer at ICT MUT) and Jeanette Wing (BTech Coordinator at DUT) are thrilled to have been part of this process and are proud of these deserving students.
“The government only supports students with funding at their first entry into tertiary institutions. So students that have had that funding from disadvantaged communities now cannot further their studies,” said Jeannette Wing.

“It’s been difficult to see students with excellent capabilities that can’t further their studies. Thank you for stepping up to the plate and supporting them.”

Dr Vikash Jugoo agreed with this. “We are really grateful to you for creating opportunities for our students.”
“At BTech level our students are better equipped from a programming point of view so they have more in-depth knowledge giving them this opportunity is really going to give them a head start,” he said.
All of the students who were selected are thrilled to be given this opportunity.

“It means the world to me to have someone who believes in me enough to even invest in me and my future so I’m going to take this opportunity.”

“I will grab it with my own hands and do the best I can,” said Nombuso Khuzwayo.
View more donations made by Betting Entertainment Technologies (BET) here!
View more donations made by Hollywoodbets branches in KwaZulu-Natal here.
Hollywoodbets is also actively involved in sponsoring community sports teams around South Africa. Click here to learn more.

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