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Corporate Social Investment (CSI) initiative give hope to people with disabilities

hollywoodfoundation-Refihlile Disability CareCorporate Social Investment (CSI) initiative give hope to people with disabilitiesCorporate Social Investment Programme

People living with disabilities are among the most vulnerable groups and they may need help with basic activities of daily living, such as personal hygiene, meal preparation, and mobility. To give them the support they need, the Hollywood Foundation was privileged to have made a contribution to Refihlile Disability Care, as part of the Foundation’s CSI initiative.

Refihile Disability Care, based in Zandspruit, Gauteng, is a home-based care that was established in 2021 with the aim of caring for people with disabilities. The organisation offers expert support and care for people including adults and children with disabilities in the community. 

In October, the iBranch Team in Gauteng made a contribution of wheelchairs and educational toys as part of various CSI projects which places a special focus in disadvantaged communities across the country. Rosina Ngoepe, the Founder at Refihlile Disability Care, said that it is a struggle to be able to take care of their beneficiaries with limited resources. She added that she was very grateful for the contribution as it will make a great impact in the community.

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