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City of Cape Town Fire & Rescue Services – 2018/2019

hollywoodfoundation-My Community Featured PlaceholderCorporate Social Investment Programme

Hollywoodbets chose to support the efforts of these relief workers as part of Hollywoodbets My Community Programme for 2018/2019. Read on to learn more about this donation.

City of Cape Town Fire & Rescue Services
Hollywoodbets Team Support
Western Cape
The team in the Western Cape responded to a call from the emergency services in their area in January 2019 by making a much-needed donation.
The firefighters were run ragged as veld fires broke out in the area and an appeal went out asking for supplies like water and snacks for these heroes.
Team Members from the Western Cape visited the firefighters to deliver 48 bottles of water, 37 energy bars and 25 bottles of Energade.
The firefighters were grateful for this show of support.
View more donations made by Hollywoodbets Team Support here.
View more donations made by Hollywoodbets in the Western Cape here.
Hollywoodbets is also actively involved in sponsoring community sports teams around South Africa. Click here to learn more.

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