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Young Stars FC receives a new Soccer Kit from Hollywood Foundation

hollywoodfoundation-Img 3933 ScaledYoung Stars FC receives a new Soccer Kit from Hollywood Foundation2021/22 Handovers

Young Stars FC was established in 2001 and it is comprised of six teams. The club comprises of over 100 players, who practice from Monday to Friday at Mazimazana Reserve. The club was formed at a significant time, to bring children within the community together and to occupy their time, which would keep them out of trouble and away from dangers such as drugs. One of the club’s proudest moment was when a member of the team qualified to play for Richards Bay FC.

On 7 February 2022, the Team from Richards Bay was proud to hand over new soccer kits for the team to use. This formed part of the Hollywood Foundation’s campaign to empower developing sport teams across the country. Muntu Dladla, a representative for Young Stars FC, explained that the contribution of the new kits will now boost the self-confidence of the players as it will allow them to compete in matches with the proper uniform.

hollywoodfoundation-Img 3943 ScaledYoung Stars FC receives a new Soccer Kit from Hollywood Foundation2021/22 Handovers
hollywoodfoundation-Img 3939 ScaledYoung Stars FC receives a new Soccer Kit from Hollywood Foundation2021/22 Handovers

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