Based in Radoo Village, Shihoko Young Killers is a team comprised of dynamic and hardworking soccer players. The club was established in 1973 and it is comprised of three teams, with more than 40 players. Players enjoy practice sessions at Radoo Village Sports Field, five times a week. One of the club’s proudest moments was winning the League in 2008. The club was formed to help improve the football skills of young men and to keep them busy with an activity.

The Hollywood Foundation seeks to improve the development and functioning of many sports teams across the country. On 27 January 2022, the Team from Makhado was thrilled to contribute much-needed soccer kits to the club. The Coach of Shihoko Young Killers, J. Mathebula, thanked the Hollywood Foundation for their contribution, and said that it will help to encourage the players to play better.