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Hollywood Foundation’s Impactful Corporate Social Investment (CSI) Initiatives Bring Hope to Quigney

hollywoodfoundation-Img 20231211 Wa00161Hollywood Foundation’s Impactful Corporate Social Investment (CSI) Initiatives Bring Hope to QuigneyCorporate Social Investment Programme

In the heart of Quigney, Western Cape, a beacon of hope emerged in 2021, with the establishment of Ingqayi Yempiliso Empowerment. This organisation, fuelled by a commitment to making a difference, found its way into the Hollywood Foundation’s radar through the diligent work of the Quigney Branch. Recognising the urgent need for support, the Quigney Team nominated Ingqayi Yempiliso Empowerment to be a recipient of the Hollywood Foundation’s impactful CSI programme.

On 11 December 2023, the Hollywood Foundation Team, driven by their dedication to sustainable impact, joined forces with the Quigney Team to pay a visit to Ingqayi Yempiliso Empowerment. The atmosphere buzzed with anticipation and excitement as the teams came together to deliver a much-needed contribution. This thoughtful contribution included essential uniforms, office equipment and furniture, forming a lifeline for an organisation that has been providing trauma counselling to youth and Gender Based Violence (GBV) victims with very limited resources.

hollywoodfoundation-Img 20231211 Wa00171 002Hollywood Foundation’s Impactful Corporate Social Investment (CSI) Initiatives Bring Hope to QuigneyCorporate Social Investment Programme

Nohlanga Zonke, a passionate representative of Ingqayi Yempiliso Empowerment, expressed her gratitude for the Hollywood Foundation’s support.

“We are grateful for the contribution of a new laptop, printer, and office equipment from the Hollywood Foundation. It will help us when recording our clients’ information and in monitoring their progress,” she shared. In this profound moment, the impact of the Hollywood Foundation’s CSI initiatives shone brightly, providing not just material resources but also fostering a sense of encouragement and optimism within the Ingqayi Yempiliso Empowerment community. The organisation aims to utilise this contribution to provide a more impactful mental fitness programme in the future.

This heart-warming collaboration between the Hollywood Foundation and Ingqayi Yempiliso Empowerment stands as a testament to the transformative power of the Hollywood Foundation’s CSI initiatives. Through these initiatives, the foundation continues to weave a tapestry of positive change, ensuring that their support reaches the most vulnerable communities.

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