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Corporate Social Investment (CSI) assistance for Legacy Community Development

hollywoodfoundation-2. Representatives From Legacy Community Development And Hollywood FoundationCorporate Social Investment (CSI) assistance for Legacy Community Development2022/2023 Handovers

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” These profound words, spoken by former South African President Nelson Mandela, are very near and dear to the loving staff at Legacy Community Development. This non-profit organisation has a mission to bring God’s love, hope, compassion, and justice to Stellenbosch, starting in Kayamandi. With a key focus on community upliftment, the Purple Team saw a fantastic opportunity to make a difference to many people who consider Legacy Community Development to be a safe haven. Through a CSI project, the Team in Stellenbosch were honoured to put smiles on many faces and make a long-lasting impact on this organisation.

Legacy Community Development has many focus areas, such as working towards a journey to employability, spiritual wellness, emotional, psychosocial and basic needs, health and physical exercise and the building of relationships and networks. Some of the organisation’s major programmes include Khulani Kayamandi, Ikamya Legacy, Care and Siseko Outreach. Most of these programmes are run by permanent staff members, but are also linked to the passion, skills and gifts of volunteers. Individuals within the community wanted to feel empowered and uplifted, which led to the creation of this non-profit organisation in 2001. Despite overcoming many obstacles and challenges, Legacy Community Development have continued to make a positive impact in the community, and its staff have worked hard to leave their legacy for future generations to come. As part of a meaningful CSI initiative, the Team were excited to visit the organisation in January, to contribute educational equipment to assist with lessons and programmes.

Martmarie Cloete, the Operations Manager for Legacy Community Development, expressed her gratitude to the Hollywood Foundation for visiting their organisation for the first time, and added that this will make a positive impact on the Kayamandi community.

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