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#HandsOf Hope – Ntuzuma Section A Community Hall

hollywoodfoundation-7c9b947b 74b2 4ff2 9e2a a0bb1515e507#HandsOf Hope –  Ntuzuma Section A Community Hall#HandsOfHope

Ntuzuma Section A Community Hall is an organisation based in KwaZulu-Natal, and it offers a sanctuary for the poor in the form of food and shelter. The non-profit organisation’s key focus is their service to the community.


The Team at the Hollywood Foundation provided swift relief for the rain and flood victims that were left helpless in KwaZulu-Natal. On 17 May 2022, the Team chose to hand over food hampers and blankets to members who were housed at the Community Hall.


Nompumelelo Thusi, a representative from the Ntuzuma Section A Community Hall was delighted with the contribution, “It will make a huge impact, it is cold, and some families have to share one blanket. The aid from the Foundation will assist greatly,” she said.

hollywoodfoundation-0ed18d5e 7220 42ec a304 d0ef63beba67#HandsOf Hope –  Ntuzuma Section A Community Hall#HandsOfHope

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