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Corporate Social investment initiative helps boost teaching and learning at Siyazama Aftercare Center

hollywoodfoundation-Siyazama After Care 2Corporate Social investment initiative helps boost teaching and learning at Siyazama Aftercare CenterCorporate Social Investment Programme

Grooming and nurturing children from an early age is something that is close to the heart of the Hollywood Foundation, which is why the Purple Team contributed various items to Siyazama Aftercare Center to help them with their vision. This was done as part of the Holywood Foundation’s CSI initiatives this October.

The Western Cape-based Siyazama Aftercare Center was established in 2004 with the aim to help keep children away from the streets by educating them and mentally developing them from an early age. The center also offers children a sense of belonging and prepares them for schooling with the right attitude and habits.

Before the contribution from the Hollywood Foundation, the center lacked resources that sometimes forced teachers to share study material which slowed productivity. As part of the Foundation’s CSI initiative, the Team from Montague Gardens Branch visited the center to hand over scooters, activity books, an office book shelf, Disney books and children chairs to help make teaching and learning easier.

Zelpha Gaba, Project Manager at Siyazama Aftercare Center, expressed great appreciation to the Hollywood Foundation Team for the assistance. She said that the contribution will help reduce administration costs and the teachers will be able to have their own teaching material

“This will also encourage creativity and productivity,”
Zelpha Gaba
Project Manager at Siyazama Aftercare Center

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