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#HandsOfHope Rydalvale Primary School

hollywoodfoundation-298903565 183909487355863 7291245776676953312 N 2#HandsOfHope Rydalvale Primary School#HandsOfHope

The Hollywood Foundation is continuing to touch the lives of many learners and teachers throughout KwaZulu-Natal. The Hollywood Foundation, in partnership with Megazone Bollywood radio station, contributed security equipment to Rydalvale Primary School in Phoenix, Durban. The school was affected by the KZN Floods in April, which caused damage to the infrastructure and compromised the safety of the learners and educators. 

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hollywoodfoundation-Microsoftteams Image 14#HandsOfHope Rydalvale Primary School#HandsOfHope

This was done as a part of phase two of the #HandsOfHope campaign, which aims to assist in the rebuilding of schools which were most affected by the heavy rains. The Hollywood Foundation KZN Team visited the school on Thursday, 11 August 2022, to officially hand over a new 30 metre fence, two serviced gates and two gate motors.

This handover was accompanied by a highly moving celebration, as learners expressed their gratitude to both organisations by performing various song and dance items. 


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"This contribution will ensure that they continue their day-to-day work in an environment conducive to learning for both the learners and teachers, without worrying about any possible threats."
Mrs Hoosain

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