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Enterprise Development Assistance for Mindful Origins Projects

hollywoodfoundation-Img 20220203 142455 ScaledEnterprise Development Assistance for Mindful Origins ProjectsEnterprise and Supplier Development

Mindful Origins Projects is based in Phola and the organisation plays an important role in the community by selling eggs to customers. The Hollywood Foundation Team is still in the process of improving lives on a constant basis, and while we are still at the start of the year, the Team wanted to make a meaningful contribution to this business.

hollywoodfoundation-Img 20220203 143442 ScaledEnterprise Development Assistance for Mindful Origins ProjectsEnterprise and Supplier Development

On 3 February 2022, the Team from Mpumalanga paid a visit to this business to hand over point of lays, a layer’s cage, layer pallets, uniform for the staff and bird crates The Team was proud to assist this business to increase its output and supply a large number of eggs to customers. Jimmy Phindile Moloi, a Representative for Mindful Origins Projects, explained that the assistance will now help the business to reach its goal, which is to create more jobs and contribute to the South African community.

“We really appreciate the help that we receive from Hollywoodbets. It goes a long way. We would like to work with companies, such as the Hollywood Foundation, to develop other entities and SMMEs.”
Jimmy Phindile Moloi
Representative for Mindful Origins Projects

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