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Bursary Programme Recipient – Mholi Mpumelelo Zindela

hollywoodfoundation-Mholi Mpumelelo ZindelaBursary Programme Recipient –  Mholi Mpumelelo ZindelaBursary Recipients

Which institution are you from and what are you currently studying?

“I am studying towards a Diploma in Information and Communication Technology in Applications Development at the Durban University of Technology (DUT)”.

Why did you choose this particular field of study?

“I am passionate about computers and technology, so it was always a perfect fit for me straight out of high school.

What year of study are you currently enrolled in?

“I am in my final year.”

How did you hear about the bursary programme?

“I found out about it when I was researching online about bursaries and graduate programmes.”

Can you briefly tell us how the bursary programme has made a difference in your life?

“First of all, it has helped me a lot. Knowing that my studies are paid up has given me peace of mind and allowed me the opportunity to focus on my studies without worrying about how I am going to pay for them.”

Why would you recommend the bursary programme to other students?

“It can do the same to other students what it has done for me, allowing that financial freedom to just focus only on your studies.”

Is there anything else that you would like to say to the Hollywood Foundation?

“I just like to give a big thanks to the Hollywood Foundation for the great opportunity. I am very excited to work for the company after I complete my studies. The bursary has helped me tremendously in fulfilling my dream.”

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